Mar 4, 2015 | Publications
This article won the prestigious British Sociological Association’s Climate Change Article Prize in 2015, coming in second overall among the three winning nominations. In 2016, we were invited to reflect further on the topic in a prize-winners’ workshop the...
Nov 15, 2014 | Publications
One question that has attracted considerable attention in recent years is the relation between ‘nature’ and ‘culture/society,’ and how (and if) to theorise it. This chapter provides one possible answer through a selective social history of the...
Oct 1, 2014 | Publications
This is an invited commentary on an article by Peter Rudiak-Gould, an anthropologist who has written extensively on climate change as it pertains to the Marshall Islands. It aims to extend his analysis of how to understand Marshall Islanders’ self-blame for...
Dec 5, 2013 | Publications
Increasing numbers of social and natural scientists are turning their attention to the impacts of climate change on so-called traditional peoples. This piece examines an article on the subject that appeared in a high-profile climate change journal, and that has since...